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Are you looking for information on voting options or candidate registrations?

Including where to vote, enrolling to vote or postal and overseas voting? The NSW Electoral Commission is managing the Central Coast elections, click 'Find out more' to be directed to their website.

Find out more

Register of Councillor Candidates 

You can find a list of Central Coast Councillor candidates on the Electoral Commission’s website. Registrations are open until 14 August.

Click on the Register of Candidates link, select Local Government Elections, then Central Coast, and 2024.


Councillor Information Sessions

A series of four Councillor Information Sessions have now been held in the lead up to the Local Government Elections on 14 September 2024. More than 120 people attended the sessions, run by local government experts, that provided information and insights for potential councillor candidates. 

Three sessions were run in partnership with The New South Wales Office of Local Government. The Australian Local Government Women’s Association, NSW branch (ALGWA NSW) conducted a special forum on June 22 to encourage women to become councillors. More information about the ALGWA can be found at ALGWA New South Wales Branch

Below is a collection of presentations from each information session, along with a summary of questions and answers.

Information Session

Session 4 - Tuesday 16 July 2024

Central Coast Council is hosting its final session of the series which will be focused on Council’s operations, services and programs. The organisation's leaders will explain Council's priorities, Operational Plan, Delivery Program and other significant initiatives and local government matters. More information provided at the event link below.

Tuesday 16 July 2024
Doors open at 6pm 
Erina Trust Community Hall
27 Karalta Rd, Erina NSW 2250
Register for this event here (via Eventbrite)

Candidate Session 1 - Oct 2023

Candidate Session 2 - Apr 2024

Interested in Becoming a Councillor

The Office of Local Government NSW has produced the helpful guide ‘Stand For Your Community’ for people considering becoming a councillor.

The guide covers topics including who can be a councillor, why local government matters, how local government works, what help is available for councillors, how to stand for election and where to get more information. 

Local Government Election


On 14 September 2024, the Central Coast Council will hold its local government election, marking an important milestone for our community.

This election will be the first since the State Government appointed an Administrator following the dismissal of all Councillors by the Minister for Local Government on 17 March 2022. This decision came after their suspension on 30 October 2020 and the outcomes of the 2021 Public Inquiry into the Council.

Participate in the Constitutional Referendum

In addition to electing new Councillors, you will have the opportunity to shape the future structure of our Council through the Constitutional Referendum.

This referendum will ask you to decide whether to reduce the number of Central Coast Councillors from fifteen to nine, resulting in three Wards, each electing three Councillors.

Election - What you need to know

Your Role on Election Day

On this day, you will be asked to do two important things:

1. Vote for Councillors: Select fifteen Councillors who will represent your views and align with our community.

2. Vote in the Referendum: Decide whether in the future we should reduce the number of Councillors from fifteen to nine. If the referendum passes, the Council will shift to nine Councillors in future elections, with each of the three Wards electing three Councillors.

Your vote is vital in determining the governance and representation of our local area. 

Make sure your voice is heard on 14 September 2024.


Councillor’s role and responsibilities

Councillors are the governing body of a council similar to the way that a Board of Directors is the governing body of a private corporation.


Councillors are expected to represent the views of the whole community (key stakeholders) while making decisions in their interests, demonstrate conduct that the community expects and deserves, and plan and oversee the running of a significant and complex business of Council.


One of the most important roles of a councillor is to participate in policy decision-making on behalf of the community. Councillors ideally work as a team to make decisions and policies that guide the activities of the council. Policies can be defined as the principles and intent behind the programs that a council implements.


Referendum - Ward Structure

The Central Coast Local Government area is currently divided into five wards with 15 councillors. Each ward is represented by three councillors.

1. The Entrance Ward
2. Wyong Ward
3. Budgewoi Ward
4. Gosford West Ward
5. Gosford East Ward

Community members will be asked to vote on whether they feel the current structure of 15 Councillors should be reduced to 9 Councillors.

The reduction of Councillor numbers would also require the reduction of Wards in the Central Coast Local Government from five to three, with each Ward to be represented by three Councillors.

Here is the referendum question you will answer:

‘Do you favour a reduction in the number of Central Coast Councillors from fifteen to nine? This will result in three Wards with each Ward electing three Councillors.’

What happens if I vote 'No'

NO vote

Retains the current  five-ward system.


Each ward is represented by three councillors.


This map shows the Central Coast's current five wards.

What happens if I vote 'Yes'

YES vote

Introduces a three-ward system, with each ward represented by three councillors.


Final boundaries will be determined by the new Council and placed on public exhibition.


The map shows a potential option for three wards for illustrative purposes only.

Factors to consider


Points for and against the question in the Constitutional referendum:

‘Do you favour a reduction in the number of Central Coast Councillors from fifteen to nine? This will result in three Wards with each Ward electing three Councillors.’


  • The creation of three wards that represent a cross-section of the Central Coast community (rural, urban and coastal) may mean Councillors take a ‘whole community’ approach to decision making as directed under the Local Government Act 1993. 

  • Generally, fewer Councillors can lead to greater cohesion and improved decision-making.

  • Reducing the number of councillors can provide an ongoing cost saving in salaries, expenses, and facilities. In terms of service delivery, the amount saved over a term of Council could fill 35,000 potholes.

  • With nine Councillors, there will still be a total of 17 elected representatives for the Central Coast (local, state and federal).


  • Fewer decision-makers may mean residents feel they have less representation.

  • Reducing the number of Councillors may mean fewer points of view and less diversity of opinion.

  • Reducing the number of wards may mean that residents feel that current ward-specific issues are not fully addressed.

  • Reducing the number of Councillors will lead to a reduction in the total number of elected representatives for the Central Coast from 23 to 17 (local, state and federal).

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Council undertaking a Constitutional Referendum for reduced Councillors?

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, the number of Councillors can only be changed through a Constitutional Referendum.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 11 May 2021, Council resolved to hold a Constitutional Referendum on 4 September 2021 for voters to determine whether they favour a reduction in the number of Central Coast Councillors from fifteen to nine. 

However, due to the formal Public Inquiry into Central Coast Council, the Constitutional Referendum on Councillor and Ward numbers and the Central Coast Council election was postponed.

The Constitutional Referendum will be held at the same time as the local government election for Central Coast Council on 14 September 2024.

Who will conduct the referendum?

The NSW Electoral Commission will conduct the referendum. The community already voted on a survey around the constitutional referendum in 2021.


Why are we voting again?

In 2021, Council undertook community consultation asking community members to vote on their preferred option from three scenarios:

1.    Maintain the existing five Wards and 15 Councillors
2.    Reduce the number of wards to three Wards and nine Councillors
3.    Abolish Wards resulting in one region and nine Councillors

This provided an opportunity for the community to submit feedback on the proposed options and allowed Council to better understand community sentiment on how the numbers may be reduced in order to finalise the proposed referendum question.
613 community members voted in an online poll between 1 and 15 March 2021.

When asked if they would like Councillors reduced from 15 to nine, 78 percent voted ‘yes’.

Those who selected ‘yes’ to a reduction in Councillors were then asked to let us know their preferences for Ward structure. 45 percent preferred reducing the number of Wards from five to three, while 55 percent voted to abolish the Wards and have nine Councillors represent the whole Central Coast.

The results of this poll were used to finalise the referendum question.

If the referendum is carried, when will it come into effect?

Any change determined by the Referendum cannot be introduced for at least 12 months from the date of the Referendum.

How are the new wards determined?

If the referendum is carried, section 210A of the Local Government Act 1993 applies.

This states that before altering a council’s Ward boundaries, the council must:
•    consult the Electoral Commissioner and the Australian Statistician to ensure the proposed boundaries of its Wards correspond to the boundaries of appropriate districts and census districts
•    prepare and publicly exhibit a plan detailing the proposed division or alteration (the Ward boundary plan).

If the referendum is carried, Central Coast Council will develop a proposed Ward Boundary Plan, making sure there is less than a 10 percent variation in voters between each Ward. This will be placed on public exhibition so that community members and stakeholders can submit feedback on the proposed plan.

All submissions made throughout the public exhibition period will be considered by Council when determining the new Ward structure.

For more information on electoral boundaries go to NSW Electoral Commission’s website.

Can I vote if I am not a resident?

Owners of rateable property anywhere in the state are entitled to vote in the relevant local government areas in Council elections and referendums, regardless of whether or not they live in those communities or maintain connections there outside their investments.

The deadline for property-owners to register their intention to vote in the Local Government Area (LGA) they do not live in will be announced closer to the date.

Eligible occupiers and rate-paying lessees are also allowed to vote in Central Coast Council’s Referendum via one vote per property through a nominated representative. The non-residential roll is maintained by individual councils and the relevant application forms can be requested by emailing governanceteam@centralcoast.nsw.gov.au.

More information regarding the enrolment of non-residential electors can be found on the NSWEC fact sheet. If you have any further questions about the non-residential rolls, contact Council at Election.Enquiries@centralcoast.nsw.gov.au.

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